A commonsense approach to health and wellness

Monday, March 17, 2008

Versatile Coconuts

The coconut has long since been part of the stable diet of many cultures, and for good reason. The milk and the flesh of the kernel not only taste great on their own but can be a used to make delicious beverages and even used as an added appealing ingredient in meals. Thai curries are a good example of this since the main ingredient is the milk.

Coconuts enjoy a popularity world wide because of their diversity of useages. However what of their health benefits? Well so far to say that the active ingredient within coconut oil is a saturated fat called lauric acid, and although saturates have been given a bad name lately it is the variety derived from animals that makes this so.

Coconuts are unique within the plant kingdom because of this and also due to it's medium chain triglyceride structure meaning that it is non storable by the body but is in fact used as energy instead. In a nutshell lauric acid once it is `cold pressed' from the coconut flesh, makes it one of the healthiest oils you can consume, with far reaching benefits as stated in the article `Coconut Oil' by Cathy Wong.

It's benefits to our health is a good enough reason to keep it as part of our diet as stated by Dr. Bruce Fife in his article `Coconut Oil is the Healthiest Oil on Earth!' which is taken from his book `The Coconut Oil Miracle'.

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