A commonsense approach to health and wellness

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Little foods that mean so much

Some foods do certainly pack a punch as far as nutrition is concerned. Here are some real gems to incorporate into your diet that your body will love you for .

Peppers galore
Peppers are hugely beneficial; and the best ones for you are? Yes you guessed it, the tongue tingling hot ones known as chilli peppers. Whilst all peppers contain capsaicinoids chilli peppers in particular have very high levels of capsaicinoids (which are long chain hydrocarbons) which is mostly concentrated in the ribs and the seeds of the chillies. Chillies are also very rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, carotene and vitamin C. So they are not only good for you but they are also a great way to spice up any dish.

Allicin in the family
To get those healthy juices flowing why not include some illium in your diet. What? Well illium is the family of vegetables that includes onions, garlic, leeks and chives. These are powerpacked with heaps of phytochemicals which gives them their pungent aroma. Eat as raw as possible as cooking reduces the potency of its active ingredient allicin substantially. However their addition to cold and warm salads is highly favoured. If like me, eating raw onions doesn't come easy. You can always try chopping them up and use as a side dish and eat then with your meal,
believe me their great: )

Little legumes
All the varieties of beans are natures little helpers! Beans are not only low in calories and sodium but very high in protein, fibre and folic acid. All are tasty however many folk eat in moderation and sometimes avoid altogether due to gassy discomfort. This is a real disservice to our health because their benefit is huge. So...the solution? here is a little tip, add a little baking soda (about a teaspoon) into the pot whilst cooking will release a lot of the gas before hand. That way it saves you from being unpopular afterwards.:0

Acai break
(pronounced "ah-sigh-ee")
Still not widely known about apart from the real health conscious folks, this ones a real winner. its loaded with antioxidants, oleic acid, amino acids, fibre and phytonutrients, just about everything thats good for you barring a Hollywood celebrity workout video! Acai is harvested from various palms trees that thrive in the tropical Amazon rain forests and its taste can best be described `chocolate like' and very yummy! Sometimes it may be hard to get from local supermarkets however your best bet is from healthfood stores and or web merchants who specialise in health foods.

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