A commonsense approach to health and wellness

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mushroom madness

After the resent hospitalisation of 2 adults due to the consumption of the death cap mushroom within the ACT from the recent report by the ACT Health Department which also states of other occurring fatalities in the same manner really made me think. What happened to common sense here? Why would anyone unknowingly just consume anything out in the wild let alone mushrooms without having prior knowledge of their actions.

Anyone falling victim to such misadventure should be beaten with the proverbial `idiot stick'. Didn't their parents teach them anything? Within the mushroom world alone there are approx 14,000 differing species globally, and without prior knowledge to catergorise and guide you the consumption of any one of them can be detrimental to ones health and in some cases result in death. I seriously hope that others will heed to the advice given by the department and think before considering such.

Reference: 1.2.

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